Connecting your bank account can help you manage your finances more effectively and make money management easier. Follow this guide to connect a bank:

Guide to Connect Bank:

Step 1: Select your Bank

Choose your banking institution from the list. You may also use the search bar.

An image with a selectable list of banks and their logos. The top of the image shows a search bar. Below the list is a button to search for your institution. The button below that is to add an account manually.. Below the buttons is a line of text that says 0 accounts connected. Below this is a blue button with the text Finish. Below the Finish button is a white Cancel button

Step 2: Log in to your Bank

To log in to your bank, enter your credentials. The login page may appear within the application OR in a separate pop-up window.

Image shows a log in screen. A blue box outlines the login area  of the form. A second blue box outlines the Continue button below the username and password.

Step 3: Authorize the Application:

Please note that not all banks will require this step.

You may also need to authorize the application. The authorization page may open within the application (Image 1) or in a separate window (Image 2).

An image of an authorization screen for a bank. A blue box outlines a set of blurred permissions with a number 1 next to it. A second blue box outlines the continue button with a number two next to it.

Image 1: An authorization page directly within the application.

Image 2: A second window with an authorization page.

Wait for the application to finish syncing your information. Upon completion of the connection, a confirmation message will display and the number of accounts connected will increase by one count.

An image with a blue outline around the text 1 Accounts Connected. This indicates one account has been successfully connected.

Step 4: Add Another Bank Account Or Finish Connecting

From this same page, you can click Continue to add another bank OR click Finish to choose accounts and to complete the set up.

Add Another Bank

If you would not like to add another bank account please continue to Finish.

Step 5: Select the Next Bank Account

If you selected Continue, choose the next bank that you would like to add. Please enter your credentials to log in. The login page may appear within the application OR in a separate pop-up window.

Step 6: Authorize the Application

You may be required to review permissions requested and authorize the application. Please refer to Step 3 for examples.

Upon authorization, please note that the number of accounts connected will increase by one. This will indicate the next bank has been successfully included.

When you are ready to connect the banks, please click Finish in the application. If you would like to add another bank please click Continue.

Finish Connecting Bank

Step 7: Select the Accounts

If you selected Finish, you will see this page. Select the accounts you would like to authorize connection to and then click Continue.

An image showing Bank Configuration. There is a blue outline around a checklist of accounts that can be connected. Two of the fourteen accounts have been selected. There is a second blue outline around the Continue button.

Step 8: Complete

You will receive a confirmation message to indicate the connection was successful. You may hit Return to Dashboard.

A small grey image displaying text that indicates the connection was successful. There is a button that says Return to Dashboard.

You have successfully connected a bank account!