To connect to Zuora follow these steps:

  1. Login at

2. Click your username at the top right and navigate to Administration and then Manage Users

3. Locate the user you’d like to generate or obtain credentials for in the table, then check that the user's status is Active. Then, click the user's First Name, Last Name, or User Name to go to the chosen user’s profile page

4. Scroll down to the New OAuth Client section, enter a name for the new OAuth client and click Create

5. The Client ID and Client Secret for the OAuth client will be displayed in a pop-up. This is the only time you can see the Client Secret so make sure to copy and save it somewhere safe. You will need the Client ID and Client Secret connect to Zuora

6. Copy your Client ID and Client Secret, paste them in their correspondent input fields and click Continue >>

That's it, you should now be connected to Zuora.